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4 Common Causes Of Leaking Roofs

Roof leaks are a stressful problem. When left unresolved, it can spiral into costly damage that can affect your home, budget, and health. There are several reasons your roof leaks. One thing is for sure, though: they need immediate and professional attention.

1. Damaged or Punctured Roof

If trees surround your house, your roof will be exposed to a potential problem during stormy weather. Falling trees or limbs can cause significant damage to one of the most important features of your home. You will want to have your roof inspected by a roofing contractor after a storm. A roofing professional will be able to detect hard-to-find leaks. Even if your roof doesn’t show signs of physical damage, there might also be debris obstructing water flow. The entire roof, including your gutter, should be free of any blockage.

2. Aging Roof

Depending on the materials, your roof can last for many decades. However, there are contributing factors that can shorten its life. Harsh weather is one of them. Roof maintenance is one way for your roof to go beyond its life expectancy. As aging is inevitable, you should consider this factor when your roof is starting to leak. You will need to call a roofing contractor to find out whether a repair will suffice or replacement will be the best way to go.

3. Poor Workmanship

A poorly performed roof installation job can take a toll on your roof in the long run. If you hire an inexperienced roofing contractor to do the job, there might be some missing steps, which are crucial to the proper installation of your roof. Leaks occur as there might be components that the contractor has not installed correctly like the roof flashing, roof vents, roof membrane, and more. If you are looking into saving money, choosing inferior materials might be an attractive solution for you. Unfortunately, this is a misstep because inferior materials are less like to withstand the harsh weather in the long run. You’ll likely end up spending thousands of dollars for roof replacement due to poor installation or sub-standard materials.

4. Improper Ventilation

Improper ventilation is another roof leak culprit because it causes moisture to build up. Over time, the build-up can cause severe damage to your rooms, causing your roof to deteriorate as well. Rooms need to be adequately ventilated to avoid these problems in the future.

Watch Out For These Warning Signs From A Leaking Roof

It might be too late for you to discover that your roof is leaking as it is not showing any visible signs. Even if it does, you might have perceived leaks to be a minor problem. These signs will help you determine if you have roof leaks:

Drips and Moisture on the Walls

Moisture or drips on your walls may not always be noticeable, but they are great indicators that your roof is leaking. Leaks can go away, but this does not mean that the problem has been solved on its own. You have to get your roof checked as the changing temperature might cause intermittent leaks. Once you see moisture, do not hesitate to call a roofing contractor to investigate. When the moisture problem becomes chronic, it can cause permanent and costly damage.

Spots on the Exterior Walls

The exterior walls are out of sight. This is why you cannot easily detect leaks which originate from under the roof-line. If you cannot detect signs of leaks on visible areas, check your exterior walls. There can be clues that will lead you to the source of the problem.

Water Stain

Water stains pertain to a brownish mark which appears on your ceiling. However, some stains may have different hues depending on where they came from. If you see small stains, this can also indicate a significant leak. You should also pay attention to the ceiling or wall discoloration. Moisture and mold are also telltale signs of roof leaks.

Missing Shingles

Check the structure of your roof if there are missing shingles. It is a sign of damage caused by a roof leak. It may not just appear on one location as leaks can also be inside your house, specifically in crawl spaces. Asking a roofing contractor for an inspection is essential so you can learn more about the leaks.

Do not take roof leaks lightly, as they can be expensive to repair. Once you suspect a problem with your roof, you should call a roofing professional to deal with the problem.