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After natural disasters or large storms, fly-by-night roofers come out of the woodwork. These roofers will show up at your door with a van and promise you the world. Don’t fall for these tricks. It’s always best to choose an established, local company to perform roofing work. This will ensure you know who to turn to if you encounter problems. Read online reviews, ask for recommendations, and do research before choosing a company. It’s also a good idea to find a company with a strong warranty to guarantee the work. A solid, transferable warranty is the mark of a good company.

Discoloration on your roof is often caused by algae, fungus, or mold. Most of the U.S. falls into the category of a humid climate. This means our roofs are prone to inconvenient growths. Spores from algae, fungus, and mold often land on your roof. If the conditions are humid and damp, the spores will grow into larger problems, such as algae or mold. The result is discoloration or streaky tiles. If you notice discoloration on your roof, try cleaning it with a commercial product. If the problem returns, call us for professional help.

It’s good to know that in most cases, your roof is protected from major unexpected damage, like vandalism or fire, by your homeowner’s insurance policy. In terms of minor issues, like cracking or curling shingles, most roofs come with a warranty. Typically, a roofer’s warranty for the labor on your roof is at least 10 years.

Every roofer provides different warranties, and different roofing materials come with different manufacturer warranties protecting from damage. It’s a good idea to take a few bids from multiple roofers and materials to see what warranties they’re offering, and which is best for you.

Sometimes the scariest thing is not knowing. For homeowners who have a leak, it’s hard to stop thinking of the whole roof collapsing before their very eyes. Thankfully, this is one place where you may be able to deliver some good news—depending on the size and the location, they may be able to get away without a new roof. You don’t want to have to dash your hopes, however, so make sure you don’t give yourself the false impression that your roof work will be a breeze before your contractors have had a chance to make an inspection.

Anybody who lives where hurricanes or tornadoes are a regular threat needs to know a little about emergency repairs. 

Basically, what you want to do is cover the damage with a woven plastic tarp that is held in place with 1×3 wood strips. Here’s how I do it. First I roll one end at least twice around a long 1×3, then screw it to the undamaged side of the roof. The 1×3 “roll” should be against the roof so it won’t collect water and debris. The rest of the tarp goes over the ridge and down the other side of the roof several feet beyond the damage. Then I roll the opposite end of the tarp around another 1×3 and screw it to the roof sheathing, roll side down. Now it’s just a matter of using more 1x3s and screws to hold down the tarp’s sides. They don’t have to be rolled in the tarp. A “blue roof” isn’t pretty, I’ll admit, but it will keep the weather out until someone can repair the damage.

Having said that, this type of emergency repair is best left to someone who has the equipment and skill to do it safely. Roofs are treacherous, particularly when wet, and tarps are slippery even when dry. You don’t want to be wrestling with one in high winds, either. Better to submit a claim for property insurance than to have your family submit a claim for life insurance

This is due to accelerate wear on one side of a roof caused by the southern slope. This side typically wears faster than the other roof slopes as it receives the most sun exposure. Over the life of a roof system, UV rays will slowly break down the roofing materials.

While it is technically possible to layer one set of shingles on top of your current ones, this may be setting up future problems for you. If your current shingles are curling, cracking, missing, or are covered with moss or algae, you will need to strip them in install the new roof. Likewise, if you already have two layers on your roof, they will have to come off to install the new shingles.